Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hello Summer From Hell

It's almost 4am, and I am still laying in bed working on this blog. I want everything to be perfect. I spent hours looking for the right background, and even more time editing all of the minor details. I'm still not completely sure I am happy with it, but like I said before, it's 4am so I don't care.

Now you might be wondering how someone could stay up 'til 4 working on a stupid blog right? Well, if it weren't for my bad luck, I wouldn't even be in the position to be writing about it. I would still be living in the valley, with all of my friends, working with two awesome girls that I loved, living with a wonderful family, and enjoying my life. This is MY life though, and nothing in my life ever seems to go as planned.

About a month ago I was working for a small company with two of my closest friends. It was a fun job. We got to make fun things, be in charge, and we were always there for each other. Things were wonderful at first, but once we moved into our new store, our boss' true colors started to show. Eight hour days turned into twelve hour days. We were asked to come in early and stay late. We never had any lunch breaks, or breaks in general. Cameras were installed to watch our every move, complete with microphones to listen to our every word. Between the three of us, we were doing the job of at least six people. It was long and exhausting, but we put our hearts into it so it was worth it. That was until we were told on a daily basis how bad of a job we were doing, and how she could find anyone off the street to take our place. That didn't sit too well with me.

One day I got up enough courage to walk in and let her know how miserable we all were, and that something had to give. After raised voices, disagreements, and harsh words, she begged me to stay and promised things would look up. I agreed, afterall I did love the girls I worked with, and I did love my job! She promised that when we made it big, we would all be at the top! We had grown a lot in the few months I had been there, and although she hadn't lived up to her previous promises of the same nature, this time she seemed like she meant it! I was on top of the world. Not only had I stood up for myself and my coworkers in a professional way, but I had managed to make a difference and keep my job.

The next week, things started off a bit rocky. I was immediately called into the office by our fearless boss lady. As if what she was about to say wasn't bad enough, her condescending tone was the cherry on top of a terrific conversation. She proceeded to tell me that I was not to do anything but sit in the front of the store and talk to customers as the came in, because she didn't think I could handle the stress of the job. This was not only an insult, but the worst punishment I could have received. I am not the type of girl who can go 60-0 in five seconds flat. The news not only gave me whiplash, but left me mad as hell! There were plenty of things I wanted to say and words I wanted to use, but I bit my tongue and got to work.

After a few days from hell, everything came crashing down. A simple disagreement over the thermostat pushed one of my coworkers into an incredible power trip. My boss was called, and after they both yelled at me for a few minutes, I was asked to go home. I was so flustered at this point, I agreed and left. My manager text me a few hours later and asked for my key. When I asked if I had been fired, she simply said "No you quit." I tried to plead my case, but apparently they had all agreed I had quit without me having ever said the words. This was all news to me, and just like that I was jobless.

Four days later, I was enjoying my new found freedom. I was debating between a new job offer and another interview the next day, and had a party at my house to spend some much needed time with my friends. The night was perfect! Things were finally looking up for me! I would have a new job by next week, I was surrounded by my friends, and was having a great time.

Towards the end of the night, we had all managed to make it to the courtyard. I worked my way towards my big burly man friend, and he held my hands as I stood on one of those twisty skateboards. Now, you may think you know where I am going with this story, but I was only standing on it. I know limits when it comes to these types of things. I am way too clumsy for extreme sports, and skateboarding is plain stupid, but just standing on it would be fine..right?

Well, that darn skateboard did a ninja move, spun around my big burly man friend, slipped out from underneath me, and down we went. My leg got caught on something, and as he fell on me, POP POP POP!!! I hit the ground, yelled a few choice words, and just like that my life went down the drain, along with my interview and job offer.

Three weeks went by before I could finally walk. In that time I found out I tore my ACL and Meniscus, that I may not qualify for unemployment, and that I didn't have insurance. As if that wasn't enough, being bed ridden reminded me everyday of the fact that I had no job and no money. Things were not looking up for me. I finally made the devastating  decision to move home to Redneckville, or as it's commonly known, Lakeside, AZ.

So that brings me to where I am now. 24, living with my crazy family, jobless, broke, useless, hopeless, and three hours from my amazing life and friends. This is my life. These are the cards I have been dealt. I won't even begin to act like everything is gumdrops and rainbows, because it's not. I am mad, sad, and frustrated, and the best part is, there is nothing I can do about it.

So what am I going to do? Well, for starters, that girl who was on the power trip, well I still love her to death. Rather than hold onto an argument that was brought on by the stress of both of us working for the devil, I forgave her. I let go. Why hold onto something so negative? She is still an amazing person, and I am still proud to call her a friend. And this crazy family I am living with, well I think they might need me up here. I think the Lord may need me up here to help them, so I am happy to do it. Even if I don't like or understand it. As for being broke and jobless, I will figure that out when the time comes, but for now I am super lucky to have a family who will let me live with them.

In fact, there are a lot of wonderful people up here I can't wait to rekindle friendships with, or get to know. And that perfect little life I had down in the valley, well I imagine it will be there when I get back. So until then I will talk to my friends everyday, and make the most of my time in the good old Mountains of Arizona. Who knows, maybe my luck will take a turn for the best up here. Until then, I will keep you posted with all my misfortunes, mishaps, and misunderstandings.

1 comment:

  1. ThAnks for sharing your story! I know things will look up for you! Yu are a strong woman and will do great! Hang in there! And tell the family I said hi! :) - Kim Cox Gwynn
